L. B. Wallace Annex IV
LB Wallace Annex IV is located in Prattville, Alabama on the Autauga Campus. LB Wallace Annex IV is an annex to the LB Wallace School in Mt. Meigs, Alabama. The program provides educational services for up to 48 male DYS youth.
The academic curriculum content is based on State Department of Education curricula guides with emphasis on the development of basic skills in reading, language, mathematics, and science. Academic instruction is individualized to meet the specific needs of each student. An individual plan is developed for each student based on school records, informal diagnostic techniques, and the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE) test results. Plans are prepared to include one of the following: (a) continued development of skills necessary to return to school on grade level, (b) mastery of basic skills, or (c) preparation for the General Education Development (GED) test.